Yes, it's been an awfully long time since I last posted, and much has changed. There was an extended period of living out of a suitcase, followed by an even more extended period of unpacking said suitcases and getting set-up.
We're now more or less there, although my desk chair is still not built. (Ahem, Daniel...) I've eased my way back into cooking and baking. Some highlights to come in a subsequent post. And we're slowly beginning to explore the culinary offerings of the Peninsula region. So far, we have a favorite
burrito place, some solid Thai, and a
fix for our once a week sushi habit that is luckily within walking distance. I'll report more as we find it.
So a quick tour of the kitchen, and then I'll do a little catch up slide show in the next post.
Yep, that's a dish washer, folks. And we've got a garbage disposal too. Some of the few perks of living in the suburbs.

Our strange electric range. I miss my Brooklyn gas stove very much. I like the electric oven though...
A wider view. This floor is incredibly difficult to keep clean.

A sampling of the bounty from the Mountain View green market. The one really ENORMOUS perk of living out here.